Wellness Home is the Freixanet Wellness division that covers this new reality: wellness spaces that encompass convenience, personal care and comfort.
The innovation behind Wellness Home has managed to transfer the sophistication of wellness to our own home, adapted to the needs of the individual people and their available space.
Wellness Professional is the Freixanet Wellness division that deals with developing projects for professional use: functional, unique spaces for attracting its clients.
The Wellness Professional services integrates highly qualified engineers, architects and designers. Promoting efficient and cost-effective wellness spaces which are guaranteed by the products we manufacture in-house.
Wellness Experience is the Freixanet Wellness division that exudes our vast experience in planning, design and construction of wellness areas for providing a reliable service to the managers of a wellness and health space.
The criteria and business vision of Wellness Experience contributes value and tranquillity to the operators thanks to a consultancy service that defines the concepts and optimises operations inherent to a spa.
Consultancy service
More competitive in the short- medium- and long-term. This consultancy service is borne from our comprehensive experience in the sector acquired through the hundreds of completely different projects, from which we have gained knowledge and criterion for making decisions. We provide customised service in defining and implementing the action protocols, the quality departments and the services portfolio of a spa.
Mystery Shopper
Anonymous inspection of all spa areas acting as if we were a normal client and preparation of a diagnostic and improvement report based on the information, booking, facilities, treatments and customer care.
Periodic Analysis of Relevant Data
Control panel with the main indicators for operating a wellness centre. Including indicators such as daily closing procedures, usage statistics, quality reports and tariff protocols for defining optimal performance of the facilities. All the analysed information is managed with maximum confidentiality.
Permanent Contact
Personal consultancy and inquiry service available 365 days a year.
Periodic Visit by Our Technicians
Periodic control of the facilities carried out by a technician, who will visit your facilities on a regular basis to assess the situation and agree possible options for improvement.
Visit Report
Details report on the agreed resolutions regarding analysis and improvement procedures.
Control and Study
Supervision on how the agreed protocols should be implemented and studying new actions.
Wellness Management
We seek system efficiency, managing the main variables and controlling the entire performance to guarantee a successful spa, during both operational and project stages. We contribute our in-depth know-how and experience to support in managing the project, as well as providing customised and confidential backing.
Comprehensive Project
We turn an idea into an optimised business concept. This perspective includes all requirements of a wellness space, from defining the facility to its subsequent commissioning. Our work is based on the centre's philosophy, the ambience, marketing, public relations, the products and treatments offer, encouraging loyalty and the members' club, organising and hiring staff, software, the spa procedures and operational manual, operating account, management monitoring... Because a profitable space reflects on a well defined strategy that has been properly executed.
We improve the capacity for attracting clients to a wellness centre. Aligning marketing actions with the centre's philosophy in order to increase sales and grow the business. Also providing advice on establishing a corporate image and creating promotional material, within marketing and sales activities, and on starting up the facilities (the initial photographic session, the press launch and the specific treatment for VIP clients).
HR Consulting
We provide consultancy regarding attracting, training and retaining talent. Staff are an essential asset within the wellness sector, hence good service and professionalism are fundamental elements when aiming to build a successful business. We guide work teams towards maximising customer service.
Spa Manual
Operational document that gathers a complete description of the daily operations in all relevant areas comprised within a spa centre. Guarantees optimal monitoring of critical efficiency and quality criteria for the correct performance of the spa, with special emphasis on quality and customer care.
The document includes the experience from several types of clients within the spa, the usage rules, booking procedures, communication protocols and hygiene and cleaning guidelines.
Comprehensive management of our clients' wellness centre with a view to optimising the projection and achieving greater competitiveness. Incorporating our experts into the Management and HR departments with a view to then contributing the proven value of their experience within the sector. We deal with selecting the best suited candidates for the vacant posts and training the team in the current market trends. We also define and supervise the operational protocols and procedures.
Relevant references
Some of the clients who already trust us.